The Ultimate Raw Vegan Date Balls

Sunday afternoons have always given me a bit of a twilight zone feeling – enough time has passed to rest and recover from the week’s activities – but not quite enough time to feel ready for Monday morning.

Naturally , I find myself in the kitchen trying out new recipes I have marked with posted notes , stuck up on the fridge or saved on my computer screen during the week.

This Sunday it is fun and lovely raw vegan date balls with a dash of feelgood Peruvian superfood Maca.


As a nutritional couch trained by Raw food guru David Wolfe – the one thing I am very passionate about is the endless possibilities of combining Superfoods into everyday meals and treats.

Nothing feels better than biting into a yummy , gooey date ball – knowing that every ingredient from the brain food walnuts to the Magnesium rich cacao is packed with healthy goodness.

..and without further delay :

Into a food processor place 1 and 1/2 cups dates ( covered in water for 2 hours )
1/4 cup of the date liquid ( you can save the balance of the date liquid for sweetening your morning smoothie )
1 cup dessicated coconut
1 cup walnuts
3 tablespoon Cacao powder
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon Maca


Combine till a gooey paste consistency – and enjoy every moment of rolling into balls of your desired size.

I try to get 24 little gems out of a batch.

Now I am ready for Monday and every day of the week after ! 🙂

Be sure to pack one or two into your lunch box – that afternoon energy slump will be something of the past – with every bad sugar slump you have ever known.

Also makes for lovely gift ideas.

Carmen Xxx

The French Balance

In every country traveled I find there are lessons to be learned – passed down from generation to generation – ingrained into the very essence of the culture.


When I am fortunate enough to stumble across these , normally happily shared by a generous local , I treasure the experience and find a way to take it home with me and incorporate into my every day life.

From the French – I have copious little habits and rituals … some of them have become such a part of how I live that it would be unimaginable for me to think there was a time these little culture treasures where unknown to me.

I want to share two of these with you today.

The first is to always buy the best ingredients available. From time to time this might make for a smaller portion of your chosen dish.

You see – the French know that with amazing flavor and taste – the taste buds are happy and fulfilled long before the tummy is filled to capacity.

In this lies a big part of the secret to all the fabulous French ladies we see enjoying a buttery croissant while fitting into their lovely chic outfits.

The second secret is presentation. Even a busy workday can leave space for a sit down – lovely prepared , and presented salad – made with the best ever ingredients.

I share with you my Monday “pick up and go” green salad :

Big hand full of Rocket and Sunflower sprouts
1/3 Cucumber sliced and cut into chunks
1 Tablespoon Capers
5 Green olives

Vegan mayonnaise – made by blending : 2T apple cider vinegar , 1/4 cup olive oil , 1t honey , pinch of salt and a garlic clove – with a 3/4 cup water


As it is Monday and we are embracing the French way – lets finish this off with a single delicious chocolate truffle and a little espresso?

Carmen xxx

Glorious, humble tomato

Over the years I have quietly come to realize that most of those “old-wife tales” are very true and still relevant in our modern times.

One of them is : breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


From personal experience I have come to see , the days I take the time to prepare a beautiful healthy breakfast and sit down and enjoy every bite … I feel full of energy , inspired and can have a super productive morning till my tummy send me those – time for a little lunch break message 🙂

The alternative is not a pretty picture .. me with a grumpy , edgy personality and not a three year old with a zoo-cracker is safe in my company .. you get the picture ?

So , this morning with the full romanticizing moment of stepping out with a fresh espresso and picking the first three fully ripe , lovely tomatoes from my own garden made for the beginnings of a perfect morning.

I have fallen in love with the combination of tomato and green olive paste – all piled onto a slice of gluten free sprouted bread topped with freshly picked basil and a thick slice of avocado.

deliplateYummy , foodie happiness

Carmen xxx

Bookclub Girls | Italian Influence

So last night was my turn to host my fabulous book club girls.

Hostess me – is one very happy person.

It was one of those evenings when I wish I could record all the conversations and save it in a time capsule for those rainy days.

My Italian friends have a way of making any evening feel like the best evening ever! So I decided to add a little Italian flare to the menu.

It is officially summer in Cape Town , I wanted to make something the girls could enjoy without feeling guilty when they wake up the next morning … you know – food wise – no mention of the wild conversations and copious glasses of bubbles and vino 🙂

..and very important , I wanted to visit with my friends and not get stuck in the kitchen.

For a lovely starter , a cold gazpacho soup is always a winner – and my blend of fresh tomato, cucumber, black pepper, onion, red vine vinegar and a dash of Chardonnay was a huge hit. Straining the solution through a muslin cloth make for a very smooth silky soup. A little olive tapanade to go a red onion and flax seed crackers had the girls completely satisfied  – and I could relax and be part of all the juicy conversations.

Main course was a big bowl of courgette pasta – drizzled with olive oil and served with a rich , garlicky arrabiata on the side.

My faithful NutriBullet makes sauces a pleasure to prepare – place one cup of sundries tomato, one red onion, 4 dates and three garlic cloves and blend till smooth – you can add water to make the consistency smoother.


Raw pineapple cheese cake, made yesterday – out of the freezer 20min before serving – with fresh lavender to garnish from the garden.

One happy, easy , stress free evening – with all yummy healthy food and even a few minutes at the end for a quick book swap – it is a book club after all !

Carmen xxx

Coconut Oil & Pineapple Vegan Cheesecake

IMG_0267Now , it is important to know that when the temperature hits 28degrees Celsius and every Capetonian runs to the beach .. I retreat back indoors and into the comfy surrounds of my kitchen.

The main excitement is that my number one cooking essential for every delicious dessert that you can imagine … my coconut oil – is in it’s yummy, runny ,  lovely to work with natural state. Just looking at the opaque liquid in it’s glass bottle on my kitchen shelf , hmmmmmm – my imagination is full of styled pictures of Raw Cheesecakes , Raw Chocolate tarts , Raw Avo Lemon tart …. you get the picture , right ?

It is as easy as blending 4 cups of pineapple , 1 1/2 cups of coconut oil , 1T lemon juice , 2T honey , pinch of salt and pouring that glorious oozing liquid over a tart base of 1 cup of walnuts , 3 cups of desiccated coconut , 1T coconut oil – ground in your favorite food-processor. Put the whole lot in the freezer for 4 hours.IMG_0271
This recipe works best when using the small individual metal pie dishes with the removable metal plate.
I normally take the little precious gems out of the freezer 30min before serving – just to soften the inside to resemble the soft cheesy center of a baked cheesecake.

When last have you been able to have your slice of cheesecake – and get right into that swim suit with not a guilty thought in site?


Coconut oil is low fat and anti-bacterial , anti-fungal – the perfect substitute for all those traditional cholesterol , calorie packed empty nutritional binding substances.


Carmen xxx

For the LOVE of Quinoa

A happy day it was when I first discovered quinoa , the protein packed , wheat free , super healthy alternative to every starchy comfort food you have ever known.

Even the most hardy of raw foodist has days when all you can think of is a warm , hearty bowl of solid goodness.

I could not think of a better “no guilt” treat as a lovely salad made on a bed of juicy greens, topped with warm quinoa , avo cut into chunks , topped with parsley hummus , chopped walnuts and a hand full of goji berries.

Walnuts , not only have the shape of a brain , but are also high in omegs-3 fatty acids – a well known brain food.

Avo has all the heart friendly fats , much needed in our every day diet.
Quinoa – the king of grains – with 16% protein , ranked the highest percentage protein.


Goji berries has been prescribed inChinese medicine since ancient times for it’s wisdom giving qualities.

I have always found winter times the most challenging to stay on a 80% raw diet. Quinoa is easy to make and keeps well for a good three days in the fridge – ideal for a busy working girl’s lifestyle!


Carmen xxx