Coconut Oil & Pineapple Vegan Cheesecake

IMG_0267Now , it is important to know that when the temperature hits 28degrees Celsius and every Capetonian runs to the beach .. I retreat back indoors and into the comfy surrounds of my kitchen.

The main excitement is that my number one cooking essential for every delicious dessert that you can imagine … my coconut oil – is in it’s yummy, runny ,  lovely to work with natural state. Just looking at the opaque liquid in it’s glass bottle on my kitchen shelf , hmmmmmm – my imagination is full of styled pictures of Raw Cheesecakes , Raw Chocolate tarts , Raw Avo Lemon tart …. you get the picture , right ?

It is as easy as blending 4 cups of pineapple , 1 1/2 cups of coconut oil , 1T lemon juice , 2T honey , pinch of salt and pouring that glorious oozing liquid over a tart base of 1 cup of walnuts , 3 cups of desiccated coconut , 1T coconut oil – ground in your favorite food-processor. Put the whole lot in the freezer for 4 hours.IMG_0271
This recipe works best when using the small individual metal pie dishes with the removable metal plate.
I normally take the little precious gems out of the freezer 30min before serving – just to soften the inside to resemble the soft cheesy center of a baked cheesecake.

When last have you been able to have your slice of cheesecake – and get right into that swim suit with not a guilty thought in site?


Coconut oil is low fat and anti-bacterial , anti-fungal – the perfect substitute for all those traditional cholesterol , calorie packed empty nutritional binding substances.


Carmen xxx

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