For the LOVE of Quinoa

A happy day it was when I first discovered quinoa , the protein packed , wheat free , super healthy alternative to every starchy comfort food you have ever known.

Even the most hardy of raw foodist has days when all you can think of is a warm , hearty bowl of solid goodness.

I could not think of a better “no guilt” treat as a lovely salad made on a bed of juicy greens, topped with warm quinoa , avo cut into chunks , topped with parsley hummus , chopped walnuts and a hand full of goji berries.

Walnuts , not only have the shape of a brain , but are also high in omegs-3 fatty acids – a well known brain food.

Avo has all the heart friendly fats , much needed in our every day diet.
Quinoa – the king of grains – with 16% protein , ranked the highest percentage protein.


Goji berries has been prescribed inChinese medicine since ancient times for it’s wisdom giving qualities.

I have always found winter times the most challenging to stay on a 80% raw diet. Quinoa is easy to make and keeps well for a good three days in the fridge – ideal for a busy working girl’s lifestyle!


Carmen xxx

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